July Classic Commission | Birthday Boy
This story starts tomorrow for my $1/month subscribers. Thank you for joining me on this classic commission journey!
Going back 10 years for this Parkdale tale, imagined and commissioned by Fossil.
I'm biased, sure, but I happen to love this story.
Foreigner who already finds England weird ending up in Parkdale? - Tick.
Not one, but two delightful teen agents doing fine work? - Tick.
It all goes wrong before it all goes deliciously right? - Tick.
This story features sexy and very dangerous Rachel, tag-teamed with the firm-but-fair Katie - the first but not the last time they share the heavy-lifting in these tales. Also plenty of Canadian and British references, from the Double-Double to the safest ATM in London.
It also features our hero, Scott, whose own story gets all kinds of complicated before Parkdale's demise. But for 'Birthday Boy', Scott gets to be a nice guy caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. And there are certainly worse ways to be regressed than our hero's fate.